Welcome to Grace Lutheran Preschool & Kindergarten
Each child is unique – a special gift from God to be cared for, loved and nurtured. Children should grow and learn while having fun! A caring, Christian community can provide this atmosphere for a child’s early education. Here at Grace, our philosophy focuses on the child rather than the teacher. We believe that children learn best through their own discoveries, active cooperative learning, experiments, questioning, sharing, speaking, and participating in the arts. As teachers, our role is to make the children’s activities and learning environment as interesting and inviting as possible, and then guide the children through these activities, not dictate them. Also, through our everyday actions we will be serving as constant Christian role models to the children.
At Grace, children’s exploration is the essential component of our curriculum and considers the process of learning rather than the product. Learning takes place as children touch, manipulate and experiment with things and interact with people. The activities for children are developmentally appropriate, challenging and promote success for the child because they are geared to the child’s developmental stage, individual ability and interest. Our everyday centers include Jesus Time, Art, Reading, Block Center, Dramatic Play, Manipulative’s, Science, Language and Math Activities.